You probably haven’t given much thought to taking the family dog out golfing with you. However, there are various benefits to bringing a dog along to your next golf game. They can help calm your nerves and chase away any wild pests that get in the way. Listed here are the best dog breeds to accompany a golfer.
Border Collie
The border collie is an intelligent dog breed. They need a lot of exercise and stimulation, making them a wonderful choice as a golf companion. They are excellent at chasing away any other animals that may be messing up the green, tees, fairways, and cart paths. This breed is obedient, so they’ll always obey your commands. They’re known for their intense stares which help them command wildlife.
This smaller breed of dog may come as a surprise to find on this list. The dachshund has high energy levels and was initially bred to hunt small, burrowing creatures. They’ll chase away the gophers, chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits. Dachshunds are smart, curious, and brave, so don’t let their size fool you. If you bring your dachshund to the golf course, you may want to invest in a good leash because their energy levels can get out of hand.
Labrador Retriever
The right dog breed to accompany you on your next golf outing should be loyal, energetic, friendly, and obedient. This dog is also great at chasing away annoying wildlife that messes with your game. You’ll find all of these great qualities and more in the labrador retriever. They’re very sociable and familiar to most people, so don’t be surprised if other golfers come by to say hi to your dog.
If you’re looking for a breed that’s reserved but trainable, then the Weimaraner is perfect for you. This dog breed is typically skeptical of strangers but will chase away any predators and small animals. Weimaraners have an incredible stature and demeanor that’ll impress your friends during your next golf outing.
Golden Retriever
This gorgeous breed is people-loving to its core. Golden retrievers are incredibly social and love to run around. They’ve been proving their loyalty and service to humans for years. Goldens have a remarkable presence that will attract every person you pass on the course.
Fun Fact:
The 2020 Dog of the Year was a Golden Retriever named George from Hot Springs Country Club in Hot Springs, Arkansas. George spends his time chasing squirrels and bringing joy to every golfer he meets.
Gear You’ll Need
Always call ahead to the course or country club where you’d like to play to ensure dogs are allowed on the course. Remember to bring a leash (it shouldn’t be longer than your iron or driver.) If your dog seems a tad overzealous, hook the opposite end of the lease onto your golf bag.
The next time you’re thinking about knocking out an 18-hole game, consider bringing along one of these great dog breeds to accompany you while golfing. If you ever want to hit a round by yourself, look into a doggy daycare as a great alternative for your four-legged friend. They won’t miss out on exercise or socialization while you’re spending some quality time in nature.